Steel Tempering
This research investigates tempering heat treatments for 4140 steel. The project has grown out of a collaboration with the Center for Heat Treat Excellence at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. We are exploring the effects of heating rate and tempering time on microstructural changes and related mechanical properties. Thermal processing is carried out using conventional lab furnaces and a Gleeble 3500.
Students working on this project include:
Evan Byers
Ryan Gordon
Kevin Sala
Brittany Nelson
Related Publications & Conference Presentations
- Cai, X., Sisson, R., Frame, L. (2017) “The Effects of Heating Rates on the Tempering of 4140 Steel,” Proceedings of Heat Treat 2017, ASM International, Columbus, OH.
- Cai, X., Sisson, R., Frame, L. (2017) “The Effects of Heating Rates on the Tempering of 4140 Steel,” Heat Treat 2017, Columbus, OH. October 23- 26, 2017.
- Cai, X., L. Frame, Y. Lu and R. Sisson, (2016) “The Effects of Induction and Furnace Tempering Parameters on the Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Fatigue Performance of Quenched and Tempered AISI 4140 Steel,” MS&T 16, Salt Lake City, UT, October 24-27, 2016

Cast Microstructures
This project compares the secondary dendrite arm spacing (SDAS) to the cooling rate and alloy composition to build constitutive equations that describe the processing-structure relationships for several copper alloys.
Students working on this project include:
Indranie Rambarran
Laura Lee